I’ve written blogs, newsletters, and magazines over the decades. Some remain, others evolved or fizzled out.
But when I wanted to write something about coding with cursor recently, I realised recently I didn’t have a good place to put it that made sense.
So I looked through the dozens of domains I own, decided that hck.co is cool and sequestered it for this personal site.
I’m not sure how it might unfold yet – digital garden/wilderness, a commonplace book, blog. It could be a curated scrapbook of fascinating links and quotes and ideas I uncover. Or a place to share what I’m learning as I flit between deep dives into whatever I’m curious about.
And topically – I’m curious about all sorts of things. Some tiny, like a new Excel function I’ve just discovered. Some monumental, like the way we organise ourselves as humans, how we fund global progress, or a new operating system for science.
None of that matters.
I have just one rule, right now:
Write what I find interesting.
At least that way I have a guaranteed audience of one.
So that’s it.
Yesterday I didn’t have a personal site.
Today I do.